Reviews 2023: Is Laepm A Scam Or Legit Store? Reviews Reviews Reviews – is a website where you can buy things like shirts and blouses. They have good deals on their products.

This website seems fake and this review will explain why. We have found some things.

Why you shouldn’t buy from – Reviews

Laepm has a lot of warning signs, so you should not shop there. There are some things that signal a problem, and we call them Red flags.

Making a website – Reviews

The website was made in May 2023 and will be gone by May 2024. This means it’s not a reliable website.

Also Read: Review: Is It A Scam Or Legit Store?

Problems that customers tell a business about – Reviews Reviews – People who bought things from this store wrote online that the store is fake because they did not receive what they bought. We couldn’t get in touch with the store to get our money back.

The address provided is not real – Reviews

Laepm put their address on their website as “Fadel Beatty Company Limited” at Suite 10542 Balmoral Industrial Estate Abbeylands South Navan, Meath, Ireland. But after looking more closely, it seems like other dishonest online shops share that same address. is not sharing important information with their customers and it seems strange. It seems questionable because real stores always have correct details on their website. This red flag means that the store is likely a scam.

Big discounts that seem too good to be true and make you think something might be wrong Reviews – The very cheap prices on the website are probably not real and might mean that the store is trying to trick people.

The security is not good or there is no security – Reviews

The website isn’t safe because it doesn’t have Mcafee or Norton security. This means the website can be easily attacked by hackers who may take or change Customers’ private and money details.

Things that have been taken without permission – Reviews took a lot of things from other online shops without asking first. They took pictures of products and other things.

This happens a lot with dishonest online shops. They sell fake stuff, but people can’t return it.

Also Read: Reviews 2023: Is Agreetobehappy A Scam Or Legit Store?

Don’t use social media – Reviews Reviews – The website doesn’t have any pages on social media. This is strange because most real online stores have social media accounts that they update.

Is trustworthy or a scam website? – Reviews has many problems that are concerning.

This website tricks people by offering cheap prices to attract them. Sometimes, people buy things but they get something different or not good quality. Other people don’t get anything at all. This is when a person tricks you by promising one thing, but then giving you something different that you didn’t want.

Using PayPal doesn’t always mean safe shopping from Let me explain why – Reviews

Nowadays, PayPal may not give you a fast refund like they used to. Some dishonest online stores give you a false tracking number that doesn’t belong to your order. This false number is added to your PayPal payment and it tricks PayPal into thinking the transaction is finished, so it’s hard to get a refund. If you want to know how to get your money back, click here to find out more.

3 important things to remember when buying things from – Reviews Reviews – If you buy stuff from this dishonest shop, there are three important things to keep in mind.

We did not get your package – Reviews

Some online stores are scams and they take your money without sending you anything. This happens often.

Getting a worse or different item than expected – Reviews

Getting something that is not what was asked for. This is like when you think you’re getting one thing, but you end up getting something else. It’s like getting a toy instead of a new shirt. It’s a sneaky trick to trick people.

Also Read: Review 2023: Is It Scam Or Legit Store?

Someone has illegally accessed and taken control of a credit card Reviews – Fake online stores can steal your credit card information. Sometimes, you might get charged for something you didn’t buy or the store might charge you too much. Sometimes, they continue to take money from your credit card.

Summary – Reviews

It seems that is not a real online store. This store is not good. It has tricks to take people’s money without them knowing. People should be careful when shopping here.

To avoid fake online stores, people should look at how old the website is and check if the address is real by pasting it into Google maps. It will show whether it is a home or a store.

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